Saturday, July 17, 2010

See me smiling?

Ok, so I am a reasonably positive person, I see the lighter side of life, the opportunity in every challenge. But this time, I am just not so sure. I am used to loving my job and my colleagues. Now, I fight roadblocks every day and work with people who are rewarded for being lazy and catty.

Do I stay or do I go? On the one hand I love what I do, on the other I am hampered by a bunch of useless sods!

Next week I am meant to move, so that might help.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Its hard to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys

Ok, so I have this workmate and I asked them to do something a month ago to get them involved in a project. They reluctantly took on one thing. Last week I chased them up on it (again) and it hadn't been done. This week, still hasn't been done. I told them it needed to be done last week.

Just so sick of slackers. Is it wrong that I want to see their failure in their own project to vindicate myself and reinforce my own thoughts that they are useless?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fighting a realisation

Ok, so here is the thing. I love my job not my colleagues.

Don't get me wrong, there are some lovely people, but most of them are lazy peacocks. And by peacock I mean self centered show-offs who spend most of their time puffing out their chests.

I should have seen the writing on the wall on day one when I realised everyone had an iPhone. See iPhone's are the epitome of peacockdom - most people don't use the features, but they buy an iPhone at over $1,000 a pop to puff out their chests. This video embodies this attitude.

Anyway... my realisation... I am an elitist snob... But I don't want to join these lazy, idiotic peacocks... Does anyone have any tips?